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How To Pay Parking in Dubai With 1 Click

If You are looking a post about the how to pay parking in Dubai then you are on the right post. into this post we are going to show you how you can pay you are parking in Dubai with just 1 click. Which means Now you can pay You are Dubai Parking ticket with just few seconds. Moreover You can also read about the How To Check Nol Card Balance Online with just few steps, Because Nol card is also Basic card which is used for pay you are different types of Travel Expenses into the Dubai.

Different Methods is available For the Pay parking in Dubai. These all the Methods is Simple and Few steps based. But into this article we are going to explain all those methods which is most easy and just few steps based. So, Make sure that you have read all the article and follows all the guide lines.

How To Pay Parking In Dubai

You Can Pay Parking in Dubai with Just Few Steps, Here into this article selection We have Mention the All steps which is used for Paying Parking in Dubai. So, Read all the available steps Which is Mention below here,

  • Firs of all you have to Find the Parking Area Code. Mostly this code Written on any Sign Bord near by Parking. If you are Facing any Problem to Finding the code then a Image screen shot mention below here, Where you can see that which type of code you have to Find.
How To Pay Parking In Dubai Step 1

Into the available Screenshot you can clearly see that the parking Area code is 129A.

  • Now You have Text on 7275. This Number is also mention on Parking Bord which is installed into the Dubai parking Area. If you have not See any parking instructions Bord then Do not Worry. Just Text on 7275. Make Sure that you have write text into this available Format( Plate Number Space Parking Area Code) This Format is also mention into available screen shot. You can also take the guidelines from mention below Screenshot of this step.
How To Pay Parking In Dubai Step 2
  • After Following This format. Now Text it on 7275 Make sure that you have write you are own Plate number and Parking Code.
  • After sending massage on 7275 You will receive a confirmation sms into available chat box. In which You can check you are parking details. This confirmation sms screenshot is also mention below here,
how to pay parking in Dubai step 3
  • Into the available screenshot you can see that, Parking Fees and Parking Expiring Date and Time also mention into the available confirmation Massage.

By This Way You can easily Pay the parking into the Dubai. If you are facing any type of problem during paying the parking fee into the Dubai. Then Just contact Us, We will Help You to Resolve you are Query.

Parking In Dubai Fees

If you are Paying Parking into the Dubai. Then its also Important that you must aware about the Parking Fees into the Dubai. Into This Article content area, you can check the Dubai Parking Area fees which is mention Below here,

  • ZONE A Parking Fees is 4 AED.
  • ZONE B Parking Fees is 3 AED.
  • ZONE C and D Fees is 2 AED.

Into the Dubai If You are Taking Zone A Parking then You have to Pay 4 AED. same as If you are going to Park you are car or any vehicle into the Zone B then You have to Pay 3 AED. The cheapest ZONE is C and D into this area you have to Pay only 2 AED.

Dubai Parking Fines Amount

We all know that Dubai is Most Advance country into the online systems and processing any query. Moreover Dubai also Shifting all the Services on Online system and different website portals. Same as Now you can Check You are Nol card Balance with Online website portal. Same as if you have not pay the parking fees then you will get a highly amount fine on it. This fine amount details mention below here,

  • 150 AED Fine if you Do not pay parking Fees.
  • 100 AED Fine If you Do not Review you are Parking.
How To Pay Parking in Dubai With 1 Click cover

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